Well, hari ni hari aku went and met my ex, Hazwani. She wanted help cause dia nak gi btolkan ticket flight dia.
well, everything was okay and maybe the awkwardness ada la skit on my part. We broke up from a long distant relationship and this was the first tym i met her since the broke up which was last year.
We went to Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, Gulf Air office.Then, all the flashbacks start to blast into my head. About where we went before and what has happened before. I was having bad case of twilight vision probably.
Through my past relationship with her, there are more good things than bad things that have happened. But the planets didn't align and we didn't make it to the end. Anyhow it was a good experience for my life and the friendship we have now is among the things i cherish most in the world. We're still friends and thats better than breaking off completely.
Its not that I'm not over her. Its just the history of what has happened before has really gave me a punch in the face. She also gave me our book which swept me in an explosion of emotions. An awesome Man utd book and a birthday card. That was really nice and i like the book very much.
Its good seeing her. Seeing that she was well and has moved on. All i hope for her is the best of everything and a bright future with her bf now. Have a happy life Hazwani and may Allah's blessings light your way to a Jannah on earth and in the afterlife.
A song i hope to give sum1 one day
sad love story, keep in touch with her..pray u well for the next love
hahaha.. thanx daus. next one will be more awesome!!
waa..itu sudah pasti..jgn lupa bg kenal kat aku k!
i tgh sedey jugak.....
asal eija?? asal sedih??
honestly i do think youre not over her. seek help man.
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